Hey again everyone! :)
I didn't realize how much I needed to be connected to other people like me, it's been sooo...can't think of one word...heartfelt, inspiring, educating, freeing, ... like some of the weight of this is crumbling off every time I read everyone's posts. If I could reach you all you'd all be getting a HUGE SQUEEZE!!!
LOL! I needed that! We all do sometimes. :)
It's so hard to try and explain things to my husband or most of my friends, they just don't get it. Like you said Harry, how people play it down, "oh yeah, I get distracted sometimes too."
~~~ Really?!?!? ~~~ [Here's how I want to explain it to them, but usually sound too intense/frustrated/insulted/or they think I'm exaggerating ...HA!!] ~~Let me give you 10 things to do, each task is highly complex and (hypothetically) decides the life or death of a person you love, (for the sense of urgency) so get them done correctly! Oh, and you have to do them all at the same time, AFTER not sleeping for 72 hours (just for the discombobulated feeling), AND with deafening loud speakers playing 10 different radio stations, lectures, static, etc. BUT part of your tasks are trying to differentiate the stations, and pull the info required from them, so listen closely! While trying to close-out the stations you don't need, but wait... you don't know if you don't need them because you don't know what channel/time the instructions will play, or even what they'll sound like! Don't think I'm done! The items you need to complete your tasks are scattered all over a 10 story building, and get moved randomly, so while trying to listen to the instructions, you also have to search this building...BUT you can only carry 1 thing at a time back to your task space, so try to remember where things are. You'll also be timed on every part of the tasks, if you take too long, some of your found items will vanish from your space. Did I mention you'll be in either complete darkness or blinding light? Yes, with no warning and at random times the lights will be turned retina-burning bright to ink-black (for the sensitivity issues). The temperature is going to fluctuate from 30 degrees to 120 degrees too (also for the sensitivity thing). DON'T FORGET! The life of your 10 loved-ones depends on you getting everything done the right way, in the right amount of time... Ready? Set. Go! ..... OK! TIME'S UP!
I know that sounds a little extreme, (LOL!) but it's truly how it feels sometimes, and that's not even all of it! I seriously wish people could realize that it's not something you can just "will yourself through" sometimes.
I moved to a TINY town in MS from Las Vegas about 8 years ago (long story), and it feels like nobody here understands, or even cares to try! I'm probably sounding a little nutty in this post...HA! Like a big jar of extra chunky peanut butter. :)
Here's an example... I was the Chair of the Children's Committee at my Church (up until about a week ago). We have a Fall Festival [Hallow Him] every year, and it's the biggest event of the year. I was a committee member in 2013 and it was the best year to date with a showing of about 350 people (over 2x's the previous year). I built a huge Plinko Table (the size almost of the one on 'Price is Right'), a massive Blacklight maze, and about 8 other games - all from scratch. I loved it! Then 2014 they asked me to be the Chair since the previous Chair had to retire. I was SO THRILLED! So for our 2014 Hallow Him I wanted to really do something special. I built a 9' tall x 7' wide Goliath that the kids would shoot with some huge sling-shots that I made from PVC pipe, and a few other things new. We had an OUTSTANDING turnout!! OVER 770 FAMILIES!!! It was so amazing!! I did everything I could to make it something worth skipping Trick-or-Treating for! We had prizes, candy, toys, 200+ cakes, etc for the "Treat Trot" (Cake Walk), and free chili-dogs, and a bunch of other food. I transformed the gym into another world, and was so proud of the work that the other members and I did. I had a few frustrating times when people couldn't see my vision, or got lazy, or just lacked any drive to do anything, but overall it went great. I even did it all UNDER Budget!! Seriously! Everyone that night I spoke to was amazed and thrilled, they loved it and the turnout.
When I had my 1st meeting I gave handouts to the 8 members explaining ADHD somewhat and tried to explain that I sometimes miss social ques. For example, I might make a joke, or say something that might sound rude (to others), but to me it's not. Also, that if I do say or do anything that hurts someone's feelings, etc. to be blunt and tell me, straight out. 99% of the time, I don't realize I've said/done anything and certainly don't mean it to hurt anyone's feelings. I'll get the impression that they're upset, but never connect that it's something I did to make them upset, ESPECIALLY when I'm in a Hyper-Focus State! Everything else melts away, and I just say whatever comes to mind, with absolutely NO FILTER. Ha! I'm sure nobody reading this knows what I'm talking about... LOL! Just kidding! :)
Apparently, there were Church Members, not Committee Members, that thought I went overboard and that I was "Abrasive" and "Scary" (for real, someone said that to the preacher), and that they thought the way things had been done in the past (the minimal amount) was enough, and that we shouldn't strive to do more. To me, when trying to spread The Word (or anything else that's important to you), is there such a thing as "Too Much"? They didn't want to consider the people in the community that we touched, or the fact that we had the majority of the families in our town at the Fest that night, or any of the good that came out of it. They just didn't like that I was "Not the typical Committee Leader, or that I worked so hard, or my vision and goals for the Children's Committee" (which are, btw, to try to reach as many kids and families possible so they can have a great time hanging out with Christians that love them, no matter what, and just learn about God and make new friends with no pressure, just to show them that we don't care about anything except their hearts and souls; not their clothes, size of wallets, color, or anything. No judgment, just sincere friendship and a safe place to go and have a lot of fun!) They said that I was too energetic, and that my goals were too high, and (actually!) that I worked too hard!
When I couldn't understand what they were talking about, because it literally made no sense to me, they started implementing "NEW" Rules, that were frankly insulting and rediculous. Like meetings can only be 30 minutes long, and they have to have a preacher present (1 of 3), we have to schedule them a month in advance, and prior to the meetings I have to breakdown every idea in advance with the 3 preachers to get their approval before I could express the ideas to the Committee. It wasn't that they thought the content of my ideas were bad, or not congruent with the Church, it's that they didn't want anything big because "they were happy with the minimal". I truly tried to comply with their restrictions, and after 4 months and 4 events, I was crying myself to sleep at night. My husband (who NEVER gets mad or upset enough to be vocal, went down there and told the preachers off! I couldn't believe it, he's so non-confrontational, but he was so upset with the treatment of me!)
I'm probably not explaining it very well, I'm leaving a lot of things out (believe it or not). My husband and I came to the decision that I would step-down. It's been breaking my heart! And it's all because they think I'm crazy because of my ADHD symptoms, even being told that I should get help, and telling other people things. The members of my church are fantastic loving people and many of them have come to my defense, and the members of the committee were all disgusted with the way they spoke to me and about me. They've grown to know me some, and know that even though I may not have the best delivery, my heart and intentions are in the right place. But none of it matters, because I'm not what they think a woman should be in the church.
Here are some pics of my boys and the Goliath I made. :) Enjoy!
The older one, with the Mohawk, is my ADHD little man. :) He wanted a Mohawk for Valentine's Day, so we colored it red. HA! That was for the V-Day party at my church.
The Scary little man is my baby. He woke up with the worst bed-head, and foul mood, so of course I had to take pictures! LOL! Btw, his shirt says "Lock Up Your Daughters" on it... Don't think it'll be a problem with that hair! :)
And Goliath, is well, Goliath. Ha! You can see how big he is. I drew him by hand and painted him, then cut him up! :) Made panels that would swing and light up behind them when hit with the balls from the sling-shots. :) So Fun!
Thank you again for listening to my rantings! I'm not even going to read it over to edit... so sorry, in advance, for any typos, etc.
I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! I hope it makes some sense and I'm able to get across my frustrations... LOL!!
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