
I've just joined the list. I'm 64 and just diagnosed with ADHD and Aspergers. It came about because I've been under the care of a Neurologist for nervous system disorder known as CIDP which is a chronic form of Guillain Barre disease. I'ts inflammatory in nature and frequently driven by stress emotions that have been internalized. Anti inflammatory medical treatments have not helped much, so I've been receiving Acupuncture and stress counseling from a psychologist.

I've just started a trial of Ritalin to help cut down on distractions that keep me from focusing on tasks that I really want to do but found that I could not concentrate or retain information. There are a few other things going on as well such as self isolation etc. So far it seems after a couple of days I've already noticed some improvement in concentration, being able to hear others when they speak, and I even went out for a short while in a small social gathering today which went pretty well.

I have at least two grandchildren on the spectrum, one of my daughters who is their mother and has been dealing this this for 3 or 4 years kept saying that she thought I was on the spectrum also, I did not know what she was talking about. It seems now that she was right.

After being tested and seeing the questions in one of the diagnostic test which really jumped out at me and identified quite a few things that I've encountered in my life, I understand that I really found ways to hide what I felt and work around them to try to fit into society and it pretty much got me this far.

I'm curious how many other adults are diagnosed later in life, and what their progress has been?

Hello, Saba, and welcome. Coping with several conditions is a big challenge, isn’t it? I just want to mention that we also have a CIDP site that you might be interested in. You can find a link to it on the right hand side of the Main page of this site.
Your question about being diagnosed later in life is a great one. Can I suggest that you make a separate post to ask the question again, perhaps with a subject line to catch peoples’ eye.
We’re glad that you found Ben’s Friends and we hope that you will be as well.
Seenie from Moderator Support

Hi Saba, I was diagnosed in my 40's. I also remembering being able to listen to others much better with medication. I think medication indirectly motivated me to learn better listening skills that I can use when not on meds. It's helpful to feel the corrective benefit of medication, speaking for myself. Thank you for reminding me of that very important experience post-diagnosis. What other things have you noticed since receiving treatment?

Hello ArtFish. I've actually noticed I can concentrate on a task yet break away more easily to relate to something else going on in the house. Besides not hearing anyone speak to me before, I felt a great pull to stay with the task I was on until done rather than allow myself to be paused to do something else. It's easier to return to something and pick up again where I left off.

I'm finding my mind wanders much less when trying to do something that I'm not really into but that requires much concentration. I have always overfocused on things I like or problem solving like complex computer system issues, but found it very difficult to stay with something that I must read but found not interesting. Now I can sit down and at least keep focused on the task I don't like much and get it done.

That must be a good feeling!