Advice for I.E.P

Has anyone had experience with getting an I.E.P. for their child?
What accommodations and modifications seemed to work best? Any advice will be greatly appeciated

Hi! My son (6 years old now) was diagnosed with ADHD in May of 2014.

After his diagnosis, he was given an IEP for the start of his Kindergarten year. The main focus for his IEP was for appropriate classroom behaviors. We are so fortunate to be at a school and district that has accommodated him with a One on One aide. Although she helps other children in the class, when he struggles with his control and focus, she can help him directly to divert his attention and accompany him on a sensory break. We just modified his IEP to include speech which will allow him to get additional speech therapy during school hours. Additionally last summer, he was given a aide during summer camp as a result of the IEP.

This is only our first year with an IEP but through constant contact with this teachers and case manager at the school, we are thrilled with the accommodations he has received. Stay on top of his plan as best you can. You will be his/her greatest advocate. Good luck!!

Thank you. Unfortunately,I have trouble getting them to continue doing what was working best for him. He was doing much better when he stayed in the resource room. They started sending him to the regular classroom,and he started having trouble keeping up again. I did call the resource teacher,and she did seem to listen,but we will see.

My daughter is 8 and has had an IEP since pre-k. She had a brain injury as a baby, though, and her IEP has Speech, OT, use of keyboard, where she should sit in the classroom (front and look left to board), seat cushion, wedge clipboard for writing, tests read aloud to her, breaks as needed, stuff like that. Get the most amount of accommodations that you can because it's hard to get things added that aren't there already unless can show a major need (document everything). And keep in mind that once you let something go out of the IEP, it's harder to get back. I wish our school district would allow a one on one aide for our daughter but so far, she's just had an instructional asst. that helps a group of kids in her class, not just her. Special education help is outside the classroom, and reading help, too.

I have to get an IEP for my 5 year old too. I'm asking for frequent breaks, flexibility to sit where he wants to write ( stand, or lie down on the carpet) and test accommodations - either oral, or the same amount of time, but allowing for breaks during testing period. Don't know what else I should be asking for...

He has an I.E.P.,but I think he may need more or modifications. They don’t always do what they should either. It gets so frustrating. That’s why I was asking for advice.
I have to constantly be in contact with the school.

Sounds like you’re on the right track. You can also ask for shortened assignments.

Khcbhc,I tried to have behaviour modifications added and they kept telling me that I could add stuff at any time if the need arises. These schools are so hard to work with.

Lovingmom, maybe the reason he’s in the regular classroom is because inclusion of students with disabilities has been found to be good for all concerned, but has your son lost any of the help he used to get in the resource room? If his needs are the same there has to be a way for service delivery to be equal to what he received in the resource room. Look in the IEP to see how it’s written. There should be Present Levels of Performance, Objectives, and Goals. There should be a record of his progress toward the Goals. It’s important that the IEP has measurable goals and objectives - it’s required. Has the school showed you the proposed IEP, and do you have a copy of his current one? Look at them carefully before the meeting. Your request might be that a good IEP be written so everybody can communicate easily and so your son knows what he’s working on. When he achieves the goals new objectives and goals are written in areas that help him make progress along with peers at his grade level.

Have you had your meeting yet and if not when will it be?