Hi all. I'm new to this forum. My 10 1/2 year old daughter was recently diagnosed with ADHD combined type and dyslexia. She had a previous diagnosis of anxiety / sensory processing issues. She had been on guanfacine (intuniv) for anxiety and some neurotransmitter supplements from our doctor. Now, we've added adderal xr. Our insurance would not pay for the prescribed Focalin xr. They only will do adderal xr or focalin rapid-release.
So, here's my question... we've been on the adderal for a few days. She seems a bit calmer and definitely more focused on academic tasks. She's a bit easier to transition. However, when the medication wears off (usually around 4 pm) it seems like she floods with input and becomes extremely hyper, less resilient emotionally and more agitated. It's like all the feelings from the day are deferred and come out all at once.
Have others experienced this phenomena on Adderal xr? Any tips?
What are your stories on Focalin (not xr) in terms of the ongoing effectiveness and 'letdown' after it wears off vs. an xr option like Adderal?