
Anyone have ideas about how to get teens out of bed in the morning? Neither my 14 year old nor my 16 year old will get out of bed in the morning despite multiple alarms, 15 minute harassment intervals. They are both late for school every day! I'd like to try something drastic, but the drama that would ensue scares me a bit...

This is a challenge at my house, too, 3Gkids. It seems like there is no getting to school on time 5 days a week for my 16 year old. Schools are not very respecting of teen development in this regard. Teens simply are not programmed for early to bed and early to rise. Sorry, I have no advice -- just solidarity. :)

They take medication? I am 33. Diagnosed a year ago. I just leave the bed after taking concerta. Otherwise I look like a zombie. When I was a teenager (not diagnosed back then) used to be a drama. No matter how long i'de sleep...

Hello, are they on ADHD meds? If so, try giving meds a half hour or so before they wake, this has been a God send for me for many years! It was the best advice my sons MD ever gave, make a huge difference.....

I can relate to this 3Gkids. My 14 year old has figured out the later he gets out of bed, the more of his morning tasks I do for him, such as fix his breakfast for him (because he's running late and I want him to have time to eat), get his backpack together for him (because I don't want him to go to school unprepared), drive him to school instead of riding the bus (because he's missed the bus and I don't want him to be tardy). I fully realize that I am enabling this behavior and I could probably fix it pretty easily by letting him face the natural consequences - going hungry, not having his things he needs, etc. but as you mentioned...i avoid the drama. One day this will become a priority for me to gather the strength to tackle but for now, other issues take precedent :) If you come up with something that works, please share! Good luck.

I agree with giving the meds prior to "get up time"... This works well for my tween.

On a lighter note, my unmedicated ADHD brother puts marbles in the freezer. When my unmedicated teenage nephew won't get out of bed after one warning, he gets frozen marbles put in his bed. He has only had to do this a couple of times. :D

Our school system is also unique in that HS doesn't start till 9. I wish more schools would realize teens just don't function like the rest of the population.

Good luck!

Different kids will react differently to different stimuli. A couple things I did that, combined, did the trick here.

1: Stopped cooking. Stayed in bed myself. That lasted three days.

2. Make them make their own meals. Drive themselves to school (or God forbid - walk). Things like that are intended to stress a point.

good luck.

That is exactly what he wants to do. Have you do the work. Typical teen behavior.

kagordon said:

I can relate to this 3Gkids. My 14 year old has figured out the later he gets out of bed, the more of his morning tasks I do for him, such as fix his breakfast for him (because he's running late and I want him to have time to eat), get his backpack together for him (because I don't want him to go to school unprepared), drive him to school instead of riding the bus (because he's missed the bus and I don't want him to be tardy). I fully realize that I am enabling this behavior and I could probably fix it pretty easily by letting him face the natural consequences - going hungry, not having his things he needs, etc. but as you mentioned...i avoid the drama. One day this will become a priority for me to gather the strength to tackle but for now, other issues take precedent :) If you come up with something that works, please share! Good luck.

Hi 3Gkids,

That's a million dollar question! Surely if you could find a solution and market it, you'd be fabulously rich!

I don't really have any solutions as far as getting them up, but I encourage my grandson to select his clothes the night before, round up his shoes, and have his book bag and coat ready. I'm trying to help him realize that the more you do at night, the less stress in the morning for everyone! That idea is right up there with having a place for everything and put it there so you KNOW where it is!

I've always been a night owl, always had a tough time getting up! I know there were some extreme 'alarm clocks' in the Victorian era, one actually dumped the bed! ha!

Let us know if you come up with anything!

So happy to hear I am not alone on this! I have resigned myself to the fact that I am going to have to be their human snooze alarm for a bit longer. To make myself feel better, I have decided to call it my morning exercise program - running up and down the stairs about 20 times! Fortunately, the 16 year old just got into a new school with a varied time table and does not start until 9:30 am at the earliest! Funny though, she is NEVER late for work!:)

We have quite an alarm clock collection. My son, 24, lives out of town and goes to bed early to make an 8:00 class now!

In high school a teacher told me the only morning he was on time was when a car was found parked in the foyer.

I have several LOUD clock radios, and it’s always set to full blast. I can sleep through them for hours. Ha! I’m talking about window shattering loud, and I hear nothing!

Of course the grand kids are at home school nights, so unless I’ve signed them up for swimming lessons, I let them sleep as long as they like. It was a real battle getting my grand son through it, once he was in the water he was fine, but until them, a total grump.

I took all 3 of them for lessons, I made them all go until they could go off the diving board, swim to the other side and back. I wished they would have taken the more advanced lessons, but at least I have the peace of mind knowing they have had good instruction, since they have no fear of the water, and live right by the Potomac. My son has a boat and jet skis.

Now Art Fish, your collection of 25 may just do the trick!

3kids, at least your daughter can get to work on time! That’s one less battle for you! It’s a great idea to look at this in a positive way as to consider it your morning exercise session!

We have the 12 year old grand son, the 5 year old great grandson, and 15 month old great grand daughter, they’ll be my alarm clock tomorrow!

I don’t think I’ll need to be rocked to sleep tonight!

"Schools are not very respecting of teen development in this regard"

Dancermom, You are so right on target with that statement above. This information is scientifically sound yet unable to effect the way the system is run.